
Alone A Gravity Falls Fanfic Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

One month later

It was a rather chilly Saturday morning when Dipper felt his eyes flutter open.

He got slowly up as and began walking towards the bathroom. Going inside he could see that Mabel was already in the bathroom getting ready for the day.

"Hey Mabel." He said to his sister.

"Hey..." She said quietly as she finished brushing out her long wet hair.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Fine I guess." She answered back.

"Can I ask you something?"

Mabel remained quiet.

"What happened to us? We used to be so close."

Mabel fidgeted around slightly as she tried to keep tears from forming in her eyes.

"I don't know, bro bro... I just have a lot going on is all." She said, sadly.

"I really want us to get back from that closeness that we once felt. Maybe we could spend the day together just you and me."

Mabel smiled a little.

"I would like that." She smiled.

"Okay then..." Dipper smiled back as his sister left the room.

As soon as the door was closed the sound of the water seemed to coming from inside the shower.

Dipper groaned slightly.

After everything had gone down with his classmates and his family, Dipper had decided to allow Bill to help him or gave him parental affection that his own parents wouldn't give him.

The affection was a very, very mixed bag.

While it was great to have a parent that really did seem to care about him, the boy really wasn't himself lately. The biggest problem was that he could barely sleep at night. Anytime he felt that he could finally drift into a content state, horrifying images would haunt his mind. Something in his subconscious was screaming at him to run away from Bill as far possible.

Dipper didn't tell his anybody about his nightmares. A, they wouldn't believe and B, they would think that was starting to lose his mind and Dipper was scared that his parents would force him to see a doctor again.

Another problem seemed to be that Bill really liked being in control. Anytime Dipper attempted to make a different observation or make a second guess about something, the demon would become rather odd. He first would just give him a strange look; it wasn't an angry or offended look, but just this odd smile. Like some grinding gears were whirling in his mind. Then he would start saying how Dipper didn't know what he was talking about or how he was in denial to all that he saw.

Dipper had actually tried to stand up for himself a couple times; even going as far that he didn't need the demon anymore.

Only the demon would ask him in horrifying sweet voice.

"If I leave you, Pine tree, then who do you have left?"

Dipper would then realize that the demon was right and apologize.

"It looks like it's the first you and Shooting Star have talked to each other in a month." Bill could be heard from behind the curtain.

Dipper was about to pull back the curtain when he was interrupted again.

"I wouldn't do that... Unless you want to make an awkward moment happen." The demon laughed, unfazed.

"What you mean?" Dipper asked.

"I mean Shooting Star has made no attempt to talk to you, at all. The only reason she even did was because you had to make the first move. Hell it seemed like she really didn't want to talk to you, either."

"Well I like to think that Mabel and I are finally are going to make some progress into getting back the relationship we just had. We are going to spend the day together."

Bill chuckled slightly.

"What's so funny?" Dipper asked, frowning.

"How do you know that she'll actually follow through?"

What do you mean? She my sister; of course she'll follow through!"

"I seem to recall that your sister has failed you many times; and she bailed on you a lot of times this summer alone. While you have done all you could for her; but it wasn't enough. Was it Pine Tree?"

Dipper frowned harder.

"Mabel always meant well and a lot of those times I did those things for her she was doing good. Like when she wanted to help Mermando get back to the ocean and when she was able to defeat those gnomes."

"But what about when you wanted to have a great day at the fair with Red? Or the time she wanted to impress that boy with that Puppet show where you even helped her with it; but not once did she help you with the laptop."

Dipper looked down at the ground feeling more unsure of himself.

He was to into his thoughts that he didn't hear the sound of the water shutting off.

A snap could be heard from behind the curtain before the demon reappeared. His clothes were slightly different this time involving a yellow oversized sweater and black skinny jeans.

The boy stared dumbfounded.

"I guess Shooting Star rubbed off on me a little. Only my sense of style is classier compared to her garb." He said with a rather condescending smile.

"Can I take a shower now?" Dipper asked, getting annoyed.

"Yeesh kid, don't have to be testy. Regardless I think I'll go and look inside your Mom's underwear drawer." He vanished

The Pine Twin decided to let the demon to what wanted. His mother would just blame him for anything that were to happen anyway.

Once he was done showering, Dipper walked back to his room to get dressed.

He had traded his red t-shirt and shorts for a red sweater and some brown skinny jeans. Putting his clothes he tied his shoes and put on his hat before walking down the stairs to join his parents for breakfast when he heard his mother.

"Charlie have you seen my red satin nightie?" She asked her husband.

"It's gone again?" His father asked.

"Yeah... I keep finding it in the strangest places. The garage, the family room, hell I found outside in the bushes with a note saying "I like your cookies."

Dipper cringed. What Bill's was doing with his mother's nightgown, he didn't want to as he entered the room.

"Good morning, sunshine! How are you?" His mother beamed.

"Fine..." Dipper sighed.

"Did you sleep good?" His father asked.

"Yes..." The boy answered again.

"Well that's good because I thought the four of us could all spend the day together."

Dipper was rather shocked. His Father hadn't spent time with in years; so why now?

"Why?" Dipper asked, suspicious.

His father frowned slightly.

"Look Dipper, I get I haven't been around for you as much as I should have; but I'm doing the best I can. I just need you to meet me halfway."

The boy had to question how sincere his father was being; especially after what he had said at the restaurant; but if his father really meant it.

"What did you have in mind?" Dipper asked.

About an hour later all four of them were in the car, singing to the radio.

Dipper sat quietly until he felt Mabel placing stickers on his face while she smiled.

"Listen bro, bro. I'm sorry I drifted away from you this past month. It's just that I was said summer was over and that we had to go back to our old lives."

"I'm sorry too, Mabel. You were right, no one was going to believe me about Gravity Falls anyway. I just miss everybody, that's all." He smiled, deciding it was probably a good idea to not say anything about Bill.

"Mystery twins..." Mabel smiled.

Dipper smiled back.

"Mystery twins..." The two pounded their fists together.

It wasn't very long until they began pulling into a parking lot.

"Well we're here." Their father said as he stopped the car.

They all got out to see that they had come to a rather large park that they used to go to when they were little. There was always some much; from nature trails to rope climbing there was even a little playground for little kids to play.

Mabel's eyes lit up.


"Settle down, sweetie." Her mother said.

"I heard they got bungee jumping now! Can I bungee jump?!" Mabel asked.

"Maybe..." Her mother said looking very unsure.

"Come on bro bro."

The twins ran off.

The afternoon began to settle down as the twins had settled down for some food with their parents.

Dipper had gone hiking along the different paths and visiting some of the nature exhibits. While Mabel had gone bungee jumping and other extreme site exhibits.

The two hadn't had this much fun with their parents in so long. Dipper hadn't even thought about Bill the entire afternoon.

While the family was eating, Bill was silently stalking them through the trees.

He was actually rather surprised that the family had even decided to spend some time together and they were actually happy.

Bill found it all so interesting, then again humans had always fascinated him through the centuries. But he would be lying if he wasn't starting to get slightly concerned.

Granted, Bill was always one step ahead of Dipper, however the pine boy seemed to be drifting back to towards his family; which would complicate things a little bit.

Because of what had happened to Dipper between his classmates and his father, the dream demon had managed to gain the boy's trust and agreed give him the affection that the boy had always wanted from his father.

However Bill had other plans.

The dream demon sighed annoyingly as he thought of his plans for his nightmarish world disappearing thanks to Dipper and his friends. He would probably would have disappeared as well had he not gotten away at the last minute.

While he knew he would have another opportunity to carry out his plans again at some point, the fact that he was set back again was what really made him tick.

And because of that, Bill wanted to punish Dipper.

In order for him to do that however, he would need to have the boy fully under his control. So far the odds were in his favor, but Dipper was still being defiant and was still questioning everything around him. More still the demon had been plaguing the boy with nightmares seeing what his fears and weakness' were, and wasn't surprised that within his dreams he could see that Dipper still didn't trust him. The boy's subconscious was warning him to run as far away from as he could; or it would far too late.

The demon had to diminish Dipper's subconscious fear where it lay. Then boy would be his to do whatever he wanted.

Dipper looked towards the trees to see the demon for himself; but he was having to great of day to want to spoil it.

"So who wants to some zip gliding?" Mabel asked.

"I wouldn't mind giving it a go." Dipper said.

"Mom... Dad...?" The twin girl asked.

Their parents looked rather unsure of themselves before they agreed.

As they started up the path parents had decided to take some pictures of the lush landscape telling their kids they would meet.

Their father had taken some snapshots when his wife seemed to grab something within trees before her eyes widened in disturbed horror.

He thought she may have grabbed a large spider or something, so it was safe to say that he was just as disturbed when he saw pulled out the red nightie.

"Charlie... How did this get here?! Did you bring it here?!" She demanded.

"Mary... I swear I didn't even see! I don't even know how it got here!" He cried.

"Someone had to have brought here! I mean nightie's don't just..." She stopped when she noticed a note inside.

"What the..."

The Pines mother eyes widened when she read the words: "Can I have some cookies?"

Meanwhile Dipper and Mabel began walking up some stone paths when Dipper felt someone knock him to the ground. The boy felt his face make contact with the ground first. The boy barely managed to pull himself when he saw Frankie and his above him, laughing.

Dipper glared as blood streamed out of his nose.

"Well, well if it isn't our "friend" Little Dipper." Frankie laughed.

"What do you want from me?!" Dipper demanded. "Haven't you humiliated me enough?!"

Frankie wasted no time in grabbing by the shirt and raising him into the air.

"Listen here Dipper! You think you can just waltz around and try to make yourself look like a here, but I'm sorry to say you don't fit into that equation you little twerp." He growled.

"LET GO OF MY BROTHER!" Mabel cried as tried to get Frankie to let go.

The bully's one other friend kicked her in the stomach, sending her to the ground in pain.

"You're going to learn your place in this world, Dipper. Then you'll know when to keep quiet."

Dipper tried to use all of his strength to get away but his head felt so light headed that he couldn't do much of anything.

Frankie punched him in the face, forcing the boy to spit up blood.

The boy tried to retaliate but he felt the punches coming and coming leaving him to only go limp and try to dull out the pain.

Mabel cried and screamed for Frankie to get off her brother but the other boys would violently kick until she only quietly sobbing.

Dipper looked around him when he thought he saw a flash of grey for a second.

Frankie finally dropped him back on the steps.

"You're weak Dipper!" He raised his one leg into air. "And now I'm going to prove how weak you really are!"

The bully was about to ram his foot into the boy's stomach when the step beneath him began to give way.

It all happened so fast, but Dipper could see Frankie tumbling down the steps until he crash to the hard stone ground, shattering his left leg and being cover large scratches.

Mabel and the other bullies cried out in horror as they could hear Frankie's agonizing screams.

More and more people came to see what happened and were horrified by what they saw.

Dipper remained where he was, but he felt his entire body shaking. Bill was responsible for what happened. The dream demon had managed to find a way for the step to cave in sending the bully to his karma.

Dipper really didn't know if he should be thankful or horrified.

"Someone call an ambulance!" One of the workers cried.

Dipper slinked back down to join Mabel.

"Let's go find Mom and Dad." He said.

Mabel only nodded.

The two turned to walk to when Frankie screamed.


The Pines twins walked for a little more when they saw their parent walking toward them. Their mother was fuming.

"What is this?!" She demanded, holding up her nightgown and the note.

The two shrugged their shoulders.

"Why are you two covered in blood?! Are you all right?!"

Mabel ran into her mother's arms as she starting sobbing.

"Dipper what happened?!" Their father demanded.

Dipper wanted to tell them everything, but he knew they would just dismiss anything he said. They claimed his imagination was getting the best of him.

"Can we go home now?" He asked.

"Sure baby, we'll go home..." His mother said, rather confused.

The family began to head towards the car as Dipper turned back to the trees one more time. He couldn't believe he was about to this but.

"Bill... Thank you..." He ran to join his family.
Looks like things are starting are getting more and more sinister. Hope you all enjoyed.
I own nothing
© 2015 - 2024 eternal1990
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Stainedglassdragon's avatar

Here's some classic bad guy manipulation from Bill.